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DROBOT -  autonomous delivery robots partnerships with stores and restaurants make local delivery faster, smarter and more cost-efficient.

IZENSE DROBOT is an advanced robot that can carry items within an 8km radius. Our delivery platform enables a new era of instant delivery that works around your schedule at much lower costs.


Parcels, groceries, and food are directly delivered from stores, at the time that the customer requests via a mobile app. Once ordered the robots’ entire journey and location can be monitored on the application.


Safe and Secure operationIZENSE DROBOT moves at 25km speed, They’re inherently safe and can navigate around objects and people.


For security The cargo bay is mechanically locked throughout the journey and can be opened only by the recipient with their smartphone app. The location of the robots is tracked, so you know exactly the location of your order and receive a notification at the time of arrival.


As an electronically powered robot, our system is incredibly clean and incredibly green.

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